Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Hi, guys,

I am still woefully behind and the last few entries are pretty bloody awful stuff--but I am determined to persist if I can.

Now that the PFFA server is back up, I MIGHT when I get home this evening try creating a thread (for the third time!) if it is still allowed? Anyone know? If its ok I will then paste what I have so far into that thread and continue from there. Otherwise I'll stay on this blog.

Enjoying the pavement napo group too :)



  1. And you did in your new PFFA thread "poems that sank the Titanic" :-)))))

    The FB group and this Blog are cool as a different channel for interaction -- PFFAers in the Social Media big time!


  2. Haha yeah. It has been interesting seeing the PFFA'ers in different forums :)
